Myrtle Corbin, The Four-Legged Woman

The cruel irony about Myrtle Corbin being the four-legged woman is that of all four of her legs, she only had one good foot, thus she had trouble walking. The two extra limbs that could be seen sticking out from the bottom of her dresses didn’t actually belong to her – they belonged to her dipygus twin sister. Her twin’s body was only developed from the waist down and only had three toes on each foot. Myrtle could control the limbs of her sister, but not walk with them. She was a popular attraction for P.T. Barnum and Ringling Bros where she’d dress up the extra limbs in shoes and socks matching her own. She made a very handsome $450 a week.

Myrtle married a doctor and had five children. And this is where things get a little stranger – Myrtle’s twin not only had two legs, but she also had a fully formed vagina that menstruated. Because of this, it’s rumored that some of her children may have been born from the second vagina. While it’s never been confirmed, it is said to be medically possibly.

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