Pauline Musters, The Little Princess

Pauline Musters was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest mature woman ever recorded. She stood only 1 foot, 11 inches tall. In fact, when she was born, she was already half of her full-grown height. When she was nine, she weighed only three pounds, and as an adult, she never weighed more than nine pounds. People marveled at her tiny proportions when she was a baby, but she took to performing as she grew older. She became an acrobat and dancer as well, taking on many stage names over the course of her career. Perhaps her most well known name though, was Princess Pauline, notable for the exquisite evening gowns she would wear on stage. The gowns themselves were magnificent in and of themselves, which only enhanced the popularity of her show. Unfortunately, Pauline contracted pneumonia and meningitis, dying fairly young in 1895.

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